Current Project: MAMA GAIM Store visit

  • Fathers Haberdashery Circa 1958 selling American Brands. I became his buyer since what I picked sold. After my father died in 69 I converted it to a boutique.

  • I closed the boutique because of the significant crime and created Low & Behold a women's designer discount store, while attending Columbia University, Majoring in Physics and Economics.

  • Vito & Charlie was a designer menswear brand using my skills and experience in menswear. It was a huge success. Unfortunately, I close the business due to irrevocable differences with my partner and lover. I was 26.

  • I then moved into the Chelsea Hotel and attended technical courses at FIT & Parsons School of Design while writing a Screenplay.

  • With my new skills, I created a women's couture collection featured in Women's Wear Daily, after Patterns and samples were stolen that weekend I was only able to create one more collection. I did not have the finances to continue.

  • After closing my Couture. House, My next-door neighbors sponsored my travels to Turkey to create a brand and collection of designer leather knits. It was featured in Macy's. Many celebrities wore it.

  • I convinced yhe son fabric company to back my invention "Os" which facilitated new hairstyles and using their fabrics. The brand was called Bandarama and was sold to all major stores. The fabric company's father was unwilling to grow the brand furtther.

  • Upon closing Bandarama Este Lauder reached out with an order for 10K bows i had designed. That started ten years of designing and manufacturing Beauty Collateral for top beauty brands. I closed the company because I did not want to move production to China.

  • During Promo Lines days, I created the first DTC brand called Rain Runner fulfilled through AudArt a digital art gallery. Using Mosaic browser, ISDN lines, my server, etc. It was lots of fun but too soon for e-commerce.

  • I am standing next to the art gallery owner, Audrey Spears, wearing one of my rain coats The brand was called Rain Runner

  • Bagology was a brand secured by over 80 patents and prototypes, I needed a Go To Market strategy and was too deep into product development. I did become para legal in patents and trademarks. Most of the patents are matured. I still have new ideas.

  • I am currently the Vice President of the Spanish Benevolent Society. I developed a digital platform for over 2,500 Spaniard immigrants to engage with each other and received a medal from the Spanish Government for my efforts.


Max Leading a Kirtan at the Integral Yoga Institute.

  • An avid free style dancer I created one of the first Trans-Yoga dance parties in NYC held in a church in 2000.

  • After volunteering for the Dali Llama visiting NYC for the Kalichakra, I downloaded Sound Toning information and began teaching at the Open Center.

  • This photo is of a class of mine teaching Tibetan bowls and harmonics at the Open Center. I also, with another teacher, created an event for the winter solstice. I designed the costumes and formed a harmonic choir.

  • I was able to attend the Barbara Brennen School of Healing to learn hands-on healing, Psychodynamic of the human Aura, and anatomy. It was an amazing experience.

  • Max practicing Yoga at Paradise Island as well as toning in Nature.

  • I created this sound room using marble dust in the paint to enhance resonance. At the time I left the room, it was empty except for a chair.

  • I created open cavities in the wall to enhance resonance.

  • I led Kirtans at the Integral Yoga Institute, Himalayan Institute, and taught Nada Yoga. I liked Satchidinanda's teachings "Many Paths One Truth"

  • I taught harmonic overtones using Tibetan bowls and vocals. I developed a system of geometric sound patterns using overtone to align the vertical current of the body

  • I am one of Krishnadas' recording artists.

  • I recently led a workshop at Mama Gaiam on Valentine's day called "U R LOVE" using these sonic instruments.


Max has an extensive collection of artwork, including photography, Poetry, Music, & Illustrations

  • Highschool collection photographing NYC's Meat Market. Circa 1968

  • Photo Poem

  • Dancing Rose

  • NYC Lights

  • Max Blue